Explode Geometry

Ribbon: Draw – Explode/erase > Explode geometry
Menu: Modify – Advanced Tools > Explode Geometry

The Explode geometry command, as compared to the Explode command, splits complex objects into entities along the entire depth of the nesting levels. For example, it will explode several nesting blocks at once into their constituent segments, arcs, polylines without the need to repeatedly call the command.

Command options:

? Opens additional options for selecting objects.
Settings Changes the explode settings. The option opens the following prompt in the command line:
Settings [Autoselect/Source/Properties/Text/Exit] :
Exit Exit from settings or the current settings section without changing the result.
Autoselect Whether to put the results of command work in the selection (whether to create a post-selection upon the command completion). The option opens the following prompt in the command line: Autoselect results [Yes/No/Exit] :
Source Whether to erase source objects or not. The option opens the following prompt in the command line:
Source objects [Erase/Keep/EXit] :
Properties Where to inherit properties of resulting objects: from the source object or set the current ones (based on values of CEXXX system variables). The option opens the following prompt in the command line:
Specify object properties source [Original/Current/Exit] :
Text How to explode texts: create only boundary without filling \ with filling \ based on value of TEXTFILL variable. The option opens the following prompt in the command line:
Specify text explosion mode [Boundary/Filled/Textfill/Exit] :

Command prompts:

Select objects or [?/Settings]: Select the object.
Select objects or [?/Settings]: Select the next object or press ENTER to complete the comamnd.

After selecting the Exit option, an information message on all command settings will appear in the command line:

Command settings: select results, erase source objects, current object properties, explode text as : use TEXTFILL value


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