Topoplan - a digital terrain modeling tool

nanoCAD's Topoplan module extends the nanoCAD platform with tools for digital terrain modeling and documentation. It is designed to make the work of surveyors more efficient.

About Topoplan module

New in Topoplan

  • Adding a Group of Points
  • Combining Surfaces
  • Recalculation of Coordinates
  • Creating Geopoints by Interpolation
  • Mesh Simplification
  • Deleting and Array of Surface Points
  • Adding Structural Lines
  • New Surface Type
  • Surface Difference
  • New Command for Projecting Objects
    on a Surface

  • Setting Attributes When Imporing

  • Copying Column Data
  • Underlay Type Storage
  • Conversion Precision Adjustment
  • Creating Label and Marker Styles of Geopoints
  • User-Defined Properties of Geopoints

Key features

Advanced surface creation

The Topoplan Module creates surfaces by several methods:

  • Create TINs by points
  • Explode clouds into points
  • Import elevation grids
  • Convert models to 3D faces, submeshes, and polyface meshes
Support for Civil 3D objects

Support for Civil 3D objects

The Topoplan Module now supports the display of objects made in Civil 3D. They are no longer displayed as proxy graphics. The Properties panel edits their properties and the style of displaying them.

Textures applied to meshes and calculations performed

Textures applied to meshes and calculations performed

The Topoplan Module applies textures on surfaces:

  • Flat Texture Overlay applies textures to surfaces from point clouds
  • Raster texture mapping applies raster images as textures on surfaces
  • Mesh coloring by height colors surfaces according to their elevation
  • Calculating volumes between models calculates volumes of surfaces - total, difference, and balanced for excavation works
  • Calculating surface volume calculates volumes of surfaces and surface areas
  • Calculating area defines the areas of surface patches
Multiple data sources for creating digital terrain models

Multiple data sources for creating digital terrain models

The Topoplan Module creates digital terrain models from multiple data sources:

  • Importing points from text files
  • DEM imports
  • Unloading points from previously imported point clouds
Import-Export Options

Import-Export Options

The Topoplan Module offers these import and export options:

  • Import geopoints imports text files in XYZ and TXT formats
  • Import from LandXML imports surfaces in LandXML format, creating mesh objects
  • Export to LandXML exports surfaces (mesh objects) to the LandXML format for use in other applications
  • Import from GIS imports polylines and point objects from *.SHP and *.MIF files
  • Export to GIS exports polylines and point objects to *.SHP and *.MIF files
Surface and contour construction

Surface and contour construction

The Topoplan Module has comprehensive tools for working with surfaces and constructing contours:

  • Flipping and deleting edges
  • Adding, moving, changing, and deleting vertexes
  • Adding structure lines
  • Removing faces with edges of a certain length through mesh boundaries
Relief of the earth's surface

Relief of the earth's surface

The Topoplan Module offers these tools for working with relief elements:

  • Constructing contours
  • Contour line removal
  • Bergstriches (hatching), contour lines, and labels
  • Building profile lines
  • Generating 3D polyline objects on meshes
Additional surface tools

Additional surface tools

The Topoplan Module has additional tools for working with surfaces:

  • Cutting meshes
  • Classification of meshes that divides them into classes, such as to separate road surfaces from lawns
Additional relief element tools

Additional relief element tools

The Topoplan Module has these additional tools for working with reliefs:

  • Projecting lines onto meshes
  • Correcting the elevation of zero by changing elevations (Z coordinates) of 3D polylines


nanoCAD 22 with Topoplan module

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